Omni Meadow

Introducing Omni Meadow, the next logical step and proven future of extensive green roofs.


Omni Meadow reintroduces nature into the built environment by returning biodiverse native meadows that once flourished where buildings now stand.


    Omni Meadow is one of the most straightforward and economical installations on the market. Because the system is comprised of a seed mix paired with Omni’s lightweight horticultural growing media, Omni Infinity, the weight, volume, and expense of product required for installation is significantly lower than that of a typical extensive green roof.

    Starting at a 3" depth with a maximum saturated load of 14 psf, its light weight can also allow for installation on roofs that were not designed with a traditional green roof in mind.


    Owing to its integrated biodiversity, the Omni Meadow has proven to be exceptionally resilient. A seeded meadow is surprisingly easy to maintain. Weed control lessens as the meadow matures and plant species figure out where they are happiest.

    Succession patterns will develop and in time the meadow will look like a vibrant habitat with a broad diversity of species. Green roof maintenance teams are often thrilled to see the wildlife that shows up on these roofs.

    Monthly maintenance visits ensure a healthy growing season. The dormant season requires no maintenance.


    Omni Meadow provides aesthetics for the end user, satisfies local requirements, and earns LEED credits for the project team. The lightweight green roof features at least 30 carefully selected species, chosen for their functionality, their intrinsic beauty, and ability to foster and enhance biodiversity.


    As an extensive green roof equivalent, Omni Meadow provides all of the same benefits and more. Omni Meadows reestablish biodiversity within the built environment by creating a habitat for local and migratory species like birds and butterflies. Scaled across an area they can provide a corridor of beneficial habitats.

    Omni Meadows help to manage stormwater. They can extend roof life by providing an extra layer of protection from sun damage and extreme temperatures. Benefits to the surrounding communities include a reduction of the Urban Heat Island Effect, improvement in air quality, and a decrease in noise pollution.


    Training, specifications, details, installation, and maintenance guidelines are available and ready for your project team today.

Contact us.