Your Roof’s Favorite Soil

Ultra-lightweight growth media

Ideal for rooftop gardens & green roofs

For two decades & counting, Omni Infinity Media is a proven, robust, diverse growth media within "vegetative roof assemblies” aka green roofs, roof gardens and living roofs.

GEO makes up the base of Omni Infinity Media and is used at variable depths from as little as 3 inches to over 6 feet. At only 35-45 pounds/cubic foot when wet, GEO’s lightweight makes it ideal for use on structure. Delivered dry at only 8 lbs/cf, it is the easiest green roof growth media to install.

BIO introduces the building blocks of soil development, including more than 1,500 species of microbes. It is used at 1/4” depth over any depth GEO to grow a soil ecosystem in rooftops and other extreme environments.